Massage services
Trigger Point Massage
Trigger points are small areas of tension in muscle tissue that can feel like a knot or marble under the skin. When pressure is applied to these points, you may either feel no sensation or significant pain. Trigger point therapy involves rubbing and pressing on these points, which can help to relieve tension and provide a pleasant sensation.
Acupuncture is a common form of trigger point therapy, and it is based on the belief that illnesses are caused by blocked or interrupted energy flow known as “chi”. ‘Chi’ is believed to be the source of our bodies’ healing energy.
Fine needles are inserted into specific parts of the skin to eliminate these blockages and restore the flow of energy, which can relieve pain and release tension in muscle tissue. This is often recommended if you’re struggling with chronic pain.
Acupressure is another way to treat trigger points, which is a combination of acupuncture and reflexology. During treatment, the therapist applies pressure to “acupoints” to stimulate the nerve center, enhance circulation, and restore the flow of energy throughout the body.
You can also enjoy acupressure at home by using an acupressure mat. When you lie down on the mat, the plastic or metal points replicate the same kind of treatment that you would receive from a therapist.
If you’d like more information about our trigger point massage services or would like to schedule an appointment, feel free to call Albany Therapeutic Massage Clinic at 229-435-9008 or use the online form. We look forward to being a part of your wellness journey.